Where Does Hemp Come From: The Origins

The hemp plant is the first known plant to be cultivated for a myriad of purposes and dates back to thousands of years ago. In fact, it’s the one plant that can provide clothing, food, housing, medicine, and so much more – all while being completely environmentally friendly. Hemp has tens of thousands of uses and has the capability to provide support to humans on a variety of levels. With so many incredible uses, it also happens to be a plant that is so easily misunderstood. 

In this article, we will discuss the fascinating, multifaceted plant, along with its rocky history throughout the years.

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a form of cannabis that is derived from a variety of cannabis Sativa L. The hemp plant is characterized by its long stalks and durable fibers. While hemp and marijuana are closely related, hemp plants do not contain a significant amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive compound that creates a high. Legally, industrial hemp cannot contain more than 0.3% THC. Therefore, when used or consumed, hemp products will not result in any high or euphoric-like effect.

Today, hemp is used in a variety of different industries, from textiles and clothing to hemp seeds, oils, and milk, to building and construction materials, and so much more. More and more industries are starting to realize the incredible potential that hemp holds. And one of the most fascinating elements of hemp is that it is environmentally friendly and easy to grow.

However, it is important to note that this wasn’t always the case, meaning that federal legislation recently legalized industrial hemp. With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp was legalized; however, must not contain any more than 0.3% THC. Any product containing more than 0.3% THC is federally illegal.

Hemp’s Timeline

Hemp is one of the oldest plants known to man, given that it dates back to 8,000 BC. Its cultivation for human civilization has truly revolutionized a wide range of industries and is still popular today. It’s been a staple crop for as long as it has due to the fact that it can grow just about anywhere in the world, in a variety of soils, and in just about any climate. In addition, it doesn’t require any pesticides to grow and needs little water to flourish. 

The first traces of hemp were found in Asia in 8000 BC and shortly after, it was discovered in Europe, South America, as well as Africa. During this time, hemp seeds and hemp oil were used in both food and pottery.

From 2000 BC to 800 BC, hemp was known as a gift. In Hindu religious texts, hemp was considered to be “sacred grass,” which is known as one of the five plants in India to be sacred.

From 600 BC to 200 BC, hemp was popularized in Northern Europe and was used to create rope in countries like Russia and Greece. In addition, around this time, hemp leaves and seeds were discovered in Germany.

China soon discovered hemp’s use to make paper in 100 BC.

In 1533, King Henry VII – the King of England – made it a prime concern to fine farmers if they did not grow hemp.

From the 1600s to 1700s, hemp became a staple crop to create clothes, shoes, paper, ropes, and food and America’s founding fathers were firm believers in the benefits of hemp.

Some researchers believe that in 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence draft on hemp paper.

In 1840, Abraham Lincoln began using hemp seed oil to provide fuel to household lamps.

Hemp was used for a myriad of uses in the early years. However, in 1970, hemp was grouped with marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. This made hemp illegal from then up until 2018.

In 2018, the Farm Bill was passed and hemp was removed from the list of Controlled Substances Act, which made hemp legal. 

Today, industrial hemp may be used for a myriad of purposes, as long as it does not exceed the permitted amount of 0.3% THC. Hemp products, such as oils, seeds, and other products can be found in a wide range of stores, including grocery stores and health food stores. Here are some popular hemp products that can be found today:

  • Hemp seeds can be added to foods, such as yogurt, smoothies, salads, protein bars, and more.
  • Hemp oils can be used topically for skin ailments, such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, hemp oils can be added to foods, such as dressings, yogurts, and smoothies, alone, or even as an olive oil alternative.
  • Hemp milk is plant-based milk that contains a high level of protein and can be found at grocery stores and health food stores. In fact, hemp milk can even be made at home and only requires a few ingredients, such as hemp seeds, water, and honey or vanilla for added sweetness.
  • Hempcrete is a biocomposite material used for building and construction products as a concrete alternative.
  • Bioplastic contains hemp and can be used to create plastic alternatives. It is environmentally friendly and highly durable.

Overall, there are so many different uses of hemp and the examples mentioned above are just to name a few. Hemp is a fascinating plant that serves humankind in a variety of ways and as more innovations are developed, it will continue to grow in popularity.

About Dripp Extracts

Dripp Extracts is dedicated to being a reputable resource for hemp and cannabis education, providing valuable insight about the products, their uses, and related news. Our team is dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with the latest news, information, and developments surrounding hemp and cannabis, ensuring that you stay informed and connected at all times. Our goal is to continue being a reliable resource in the hemp and cannabis industry, utilizing years of experience, skills, and research to help you stay updated within the industry. If you are interested in learning more about hemp and cannabis with Dripp Extracts, visit us at https://drippextracts.com/learn.

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