hemp buds

When it comes to hemp buds vs weed buds, the question of whether the former can get you high is commonly asked. CBD flower is derived from Cannabis sativa plants that have been selectively cultivated to produce high concentrations of CBD while producing very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), typically below 0.3%. 

If the THC level in CBD-rich hemp flower is below 0.3%, the federal government considers it to be industrial hemp, a category with few legal restrictions. So, the big questions are what does hemp buds look like and whether or not hemp buds get you high.

What Is Hemp?

For those unfamiliar, hemp buds are the flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike marijuana buds, hemp contains extremely low levels of THC, the compound responsible for causing a high when consumed. Hemp refers to cannabis with a THC content of 0.3% or less by dry weight. According to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) and other U.S. statutes, the 0.3% figure is the legal definition of hemp.

What Does Hemp Buds Look Like

If the leaves of the plant you’re looking at are thin, spindly, and cut, it’s likely a hemp plant. Hemp buds, like marijuana buds, are typically green, but they sometimes have hints of crimson or light purple. Marijuana is more likely to have dark purple buds.

Just by looking at it, you might not be able to tell the difference between hemp buds vs weed buds. Despite its usefulness, a chemical composition test remains the only foolproof method of differentiation.

Why Taking Hemp Extracts Won’t Get You “High”

Hemp has many industrial applications, and its non-psychoactive nature makes it useful for medicine. Meanwhile, marijuana is grown primarily for recreational use because it contains high concentrations of THC and other psychoactive compounds like cannabinol (CBN) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Hemp extract contains a wide variety of cannabinoids, many of which have medical use. However, only trace amounts of THC, the chemical responsible for the “high” feeling associated with marijuana usage. Hemp products contain less than 0.3% THC, but marijuana can contain up to 30% THC.

In several jurisdictions, there can be no more than 0.3% THC in these items. Not even close to enough to cause any psychotropic effects. It’s possible that ingesting too much CBD (or a higher dose than is recommended) could have a stimulating impact. Not the same as being high.

The terpenes and flavonoids found in hemp extract are responsible for the plant’s distinctive scent and flavor. These trigger specific physiological reactions and frequently enhance the effects of cannabis. Hemp may have a calming effect on the body and mind, but it will not produce euphoria even in enormous quantities.

If you’re interested in trying out some hemp buds but worried about getting “high,” don’t be discouraged; many strains are available on Dripp Extracts with no psychoactive effects. 

Now that you have answers to the question what does hemp buds look like and whether it can cause a high, it’s time to learn why the CBD flower is loved by many.

Why Is Hemp-Derived CBD Flower So Popular?

Why is CBD flower now popular despite the fact that it has no inebriating properties? Here are five of the many reasons why hemp is so well-liked:

1. It’s Very Effective

The feelings induced by inhaling CBD flower from a vape or smoking it are unquestionably pleasurable. The terpene profile of the strain you smoked will have its own distinct effects, but you may expect to feel a general sense of light relaxation. The effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on anxiety, pain, and sleep quality have all been studied.

2. Hemp Won’t Make You High

CBD hemp flower cannot produce intoxication under any conditions, regardless of the amount smoked or the strain used. CBD flower distributed through the internet or traditional channels must contain less than 0.3 percent THC, well below the level at which intoxication could result.

3. A Wide Range of Applications

It can be smoked, rolled, or vaped. Since CBD flower is the adaptable base component utilized to manufacture all the CBD products on the market, it stands to reason that you have a wide range of choices when deciding how to make the most of CBD flower. It is common practice for some to decarboxylate their buds and then use the ground material in baked goods.

4. A Wide Variety of Strains Available.

You have a wide variety of CBD-rich hemp strains to choose from, just as there are a wide variety of THC-rich cannabis strains to select from. You can choose from sedative indicas, moderate hybrids, and stimulating sativas. In fact, the scents, flavors, and effects of well-known THC strains have inspired the creation of CBD-rich cannabis varieties that aim to provide similar therapeutic benefits without the intoxicating high.

5. You Can Get It From an Online Store

As with the purchase of any other product, purchasing CBD flower online is as simple as clicking a few buttons. Several widely-respected brands are available, and they all come highly recommended. CBD hemp flower is legal in all 50 states, although some sellers may ask for ID to verify that you’re over 21.

How to Choose CBD Hemp Flower Products

Amazing as CBD flower is, the quality of CBD flower products varies widely depending on who does the growing and processing. Choose indoor-grown buds with at least 15% CBD and test reports verifying they are contaminant-free and include compliance levels of THC when you shop for the best CBD flower items to meet your demands. Positive feedback from a large number of users is another bonus.

Why You Should Try Hemp-Derived CBD Flower From Dripp Extracts

Although hemp buds vs weed buds come from the same plant family and have potential medical benefits, hemp buds will not cause a high due to their extremely low concentrations of THC. With various low-THC strains now available, anyone curious about exploring hemp without experiencing any intoxication should feel comfortable doing so without worry or concern. 

CBD flower from Dripp Extracts is just the beginning of what the wonderfully complex Cannabis sativa plant promises for our health and well-being, as it is both non-intoxicating and non-addictive. Get in touch with Dipp Extracts for a variety of tried and tested hemp products.

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